Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Our Chore System

Since most of my weekdays are spent teaching the 3 of 5 children that are school-aged in my house, it's hard to get to the daily, weekly and monthly housework. Especially since I'm what you call a morning person... meaning I am the most productive in the morning. I'm pretty much shot energy-wise after supper. I have tried more chore systems then I care to count. For one reason or another, none of them really stuck! Until I found this ladies blog on pinterest. www.organicfamilies.blogspot.com. She had a really great idea for getting her kids to do chores, so I implemented it and we have been using it for one whole year now! That is amazing for me....but what can I say, it works great for us. Here is what we do.

I made a "chore card" for each room of the house. This includes a card for each bathroom, each child's room, family room, living room, garage porch, stairs and play room. On the card are the tasks that they must accomplish. For instance in the bathrooms: Pick up clutter, clean mirror, wipe down vanity, clean inside and outside of toilet, sweep the floor, take out the garbage. Each task awards 5 points, so bathrooms are 30 points. Other rooms are easier and are less points. We have some cards worth 15, 20 and 25 points. After they are done with their chosen room, I check it over to make sure it was done properly. And write the points on a chart and hang the card in the done pile.

My kids also get points for weekly chores that are assigned to them, like sorting laundry, putting away clean clothes, putting away clean towels. The great thing is, you have complete liberty to assign points for whatever you want. Now, I must say that my kids do have chores that are just expected of them that they do not get points for...like, daily pick-up chores, making their beds and picking up their rooms. I also hand out points for monthly chores. Cleaning surface of fridge, dishwasher, tubs and showers, cleaning out the van, and helping change the sheets on their beds. There are a few chores that are still my job...my room, the kitchen and dining room and most of the laundry. One rule I have is that they can never get there points taken away from them....for misbehavior or something like that, but I have the right to not award them the full points if they did not do a good job. Once they are coached on the proper way to clean, it is usually not a problem.

Then after a week of (hopefully) accomplishing all the cards, we tally the points and they get to "buy" rewards with their points. These also are in the form of cards and are worth a certain number of points, depending on what it is.

 Screen time is the most popular reward in my house...35 points for 30 min. and 70 points for 1 hour. But I also have things like, $5.00 toward new book, or music -100 points. Family movie and popcorn night 100 points, popcorn or ice cream treat 25 points, game night 75 points. You get the idea, but you can really do whatever suits your family. My kids keep their little stash of reward cards until they use them. I allow them to carry points over to the next week but only up to 50 points. I also allow them to change their points for cash. 5 cents per point.
Our chore system definitely ebbs and flows depending on the time of year, but when school is in session and we are in a routine...it clips along pretty good and it is a real blessing to finally find a chore system that works! Also if life ever gets busy (which it does) and we don't get a chance to tally and "buy" rewards....the points are still there on the chart and sooner or later they will get their rewards. Super big thanks again to www.organicfamilies.blogspot.com I have definitely made it my own, but she had a great idea!
One thing that I have added recently is a little mini system for my 4 year old. She gets points for helping set the table, putting away her clean clothes, but also for learning her letters and avoid time-outs. It's a great way for little ones to get points too since the larger jobs are a bit too difficult. Again, suit this to your own family. Any questions post a comment:) Happy cleaning!

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