Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013!

Well the new year is just a few short hours away and what do we all do as we think back...well I think about what a great year it was but I also think about what I want to do differently. I have a LOT of new year's resolutions, but I don't like to call them that. Instead I call them goals. Things I want to accomplish at some point during the year. Family goals, household goals, kid/school goals, financial goals, personal goals. Well I'm not going to bore you with all my goals, but one of them is to start making more homemade pantry staples instead of buying them. Why? So I know all the ingredients, cause it tastes better, costs less, and is better for you. So I found this great Alana Chernila.

I decided to make it my goal to make all 101 recipes in this book and blog about it. Telling you my realistic adventure of 1. Was it easy enough? 2. Will I make it again? 3. Is it worth the extra time? 4. Does it save money? 5. Anything else that I can think of. So follow me on my new blog as I start making it and stop buying it.

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